Thursday, September 16, 2021

Ibrahim News Report #2

 Hey Blog Readers!

Today we had to make another Screencastify, and read an article out loud like we were a news reporter! This weeks article is pretty interesting, so be sure to check it out!


  1. Ibrahim great to see your confidence in sharing this to the world. You were adlibbing - reading part of the article and then adding in your flavour. If you are going to use this style of reporting you need to read and understand the article you are reporting on. This will make your reporting flow. A great effort...

  2. Hi Ibrahim,
    You have a really great style, but unfortunately you got some of the facts a bit wrong at the beginning. Please read and check you understand your article before you report especially on a subject so many people know about. Other than that, I found you entertaining, confident and easy to understand. I think you would make a great reporter.

  3. Hey Ibrahim

    Loved the way you signed off, that was like how they actually do it in the news. I remember I had to do something like this for an assessment in high school. It’s pretty nerve wrecking!

    Did you have a practise before you recorded? Maybe do that next time and any words your stuck on or not sure of, you could check with someone!

    This is Marleen for nws news and that was your comment, goodnight
